2020 - Year of national digital transformation in Vietnam

PV| 31/12/2020 09:37
Theo dõi ICTVietnam trên

Hamada Kazuyuki, a Japanese scholar predicted in his famous book “Future Power” that Vietnam would be among the top 20 powers of the world in terms of economic scale by 2030.


Thedevelopmentofinformationandcommunicationtechnology(ICT)inVietnamisexpectedtobeanimportantdrivingforcetomakeVietnamagreatpower.Vietnamismakingheavyinvestmentininformationtechnology(IT),andtheMinistryofInformationandCommunication(MIC)is takingnecessary measuresto promotethe developmentoftheindustry.

2020 - Year of national digital transformation in Vietnam  - Ảnh 1.



Digital transformation has helped the world overcome the pandemic. This message has been confirmed by not only Vietnam but also many member countries around the world at the Digital World Conference and Exhibition (ITU Digital World 2020).

Informationtechnology(IT)isincreasinglyprovingitsroleinhelpingtheworldrespondtotheCovid-19pandemic.ThankstoITinfrastructure,theworldcanstilloperate,whileeconomic and social flowsarenot interrupted. Inthe pandemic,theInternethasbecomethemosteffectivetoolforensuringtheconnectionofpeopledespitesocialdistancing.





During2020,theMinistryofInformationandCommunicationshasfurtherrealizedand emphasizedtheactionmotto "MakeinVietnam".Vietnam'sdigitaltechnologybusinesseswillbedevelopedinlinewiththe"MakeinVietnam"strategy,strivingtoincreaseexpertiseintechnology,initiativesindesignandproductionofdigitalproducts,aswellasinthecreationofnewservices,solutions,andnewbusinessmodels,whileboostingcooperationwithforeigntechnologypartners.

2020 - Year of national digital transformation in Vietnam  - Ảnh 2.


Vietnam's remote health care platform is of the same quality as developed countries. Thanks to the project, all people at the grass-roots level can access high-quality healthcare services provided by experts at higher-level medical facilities.

In the coming time, the project will expand the remote health care network to more than 14,000 facilities across the country to achieve universal health coverage and connect the network with other countries around the world. The telehealth system is expected to grow further when 5G is officially commercialized in Vietnam.

Apart from the Telehealth system, the apps - VOV-Doctor24 for doctors and VOV-Bacsi24 for patients - have been announced to allow smartphone users to register to get consultations from doctors online.        

The project of 1,000 medical examination and treatment facilities and two online video call medical counseling apps VOV-Doctor24 for doctors and VOV-Bacsi24 mark an important milestone of the health sector in 2020, contributing to the successful implementation of National Digital Transformation Programme.

These health projects were developed to help people deal with problems in the healthcare sector in Vietnam, such as overcrowded hospitals and the difficulties that rural people face in getting to far-flung hospitals for care. This is especially significant in the Covid-19 pandemic.


Online learning (or E-learning) has become a rising trend in the world as well as in Vietnam. Almost all schools were closed in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic, Vietnam has implemented distance learning online and on television. With this proactive and flexible approach, distance learning has proved to be effective, not only in managing students during social distancing but also ensuring "continuing learning despite school closure". Although teaching on the internet and television is a temporary measure in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam emphasized that the education sector would take this opportunity to accelerate the digital transition.

Nearly 50% of universities in Vietnam have organized online teaching during the epidemic season. In rural areas, many teachers have recorded videos of lectures and posted on YouTube, Zalo, Facebook and other applications to create learning opportunities for students.

The development of online learning models in Vietnam has even been recognized by prestigious global organizations. According to a new OECD PISA report, Vietnam has actively held online learning courses in COVID-19 epidemic. During the first phase of the pandemic, 79.7% of Vietnamese students were studying online, higher than the average of the OECD member countries (67.5%). This is an important premise for the gradual digital transformation of education sectors in Vietnam.

In general, digital transformation is showing an increasing impact on the lives of each Vietnamese person. Vietnam is building its hugely ambitious goals, making itself an industrial and modern country along with the national digital transformation     

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Đừng bỏ lỡ
2020 - Year of national digital transformation in Vietnam