Vpostcode - The first brick to build the Vietnamese digital platform

Tam An| 29/12/2020 14:58
Theo dõi ICTVietnam trên

Vpostcode postal address code is developed on the Vmap digital map platform of Vietnam not only brings many great applications in the field of post, delivery and logistic but many other fields can also apply the exact address database attached with this satellite navigation in operation.


Vpostcode is developed by the Vietnam Post on the digital map platform and national postal code by this company itself constructed earlier in order to provide users information about the locations and codes of any locations in the country. Postal address code is built following the principle of Open Location Code (OLC), it divides the map into smaller grids with suitable density (3m x 3m) and assigns codes for every square in the grid.

Vpost code postal addresses consist of a set of 12 alphanumeric characters, in which the first 5 characters are national postal codes, 07 following characters are address code on the digital map. Due to the postal address codes determined by the coordinate location on the digital map platform, not relying on the administrative geography, it can guarantee high accuracy and stability. Until now, there were nearly 24 million code-assigned addresses nationwide. 

Mr. Le Quoc Anh, Deputy General Manager of Vietnam Post said: "For every country, it is necessary to have a platform that is used to manage its own address system. In the case of Vpostcode, we have 2 related platforms. The first platform is the digital map platform, Vmap digital map platform is the results of the "Digital Vietnamese knowledge system" project.

Vpostcode - The first brick to build the Vietnamese digital platform - Ảnh 1.

The second platform is address code. Vpostcode address code currently having nearly 24 million addresses nationwide".

At the launching ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam emphasized that Vpostcode was the starting point for not only the postal sector, traditional businesses but also for state management in many other different sectors. This specific action not only promotes digital transformation in the postal sector but also a very important contribution like the very first bricks to build up the digital platform of Vietnam.

Vpostcode address code platforms include many practical functions for users. This is an open platform, allowing citizens and society organizations to update and enrich information.

For individuals, this platform allows to simplified address archiving: Address code is easy to create, archive and share, convenient for life; Secure individual's information so people can catch up, understand and participate in collecting address data in reality.

For state agencies, Vpostcode address code help: Managing citizens home addresses (Statistic, archive and update); Connecting government to citizens, solving problems relating to securitied, social security or taxation policies…; Supporting people in emergency relief, medical support, necessary services, serving the activities of humanitarian organizations…

For enterprise, the platform actively supports postal, logistic and e-commerce enterprise; therefore contributing to the service quality improvement, creating many business opportunities for new services on the platform of data of address on the basis, at the same time maximizing the delivery actions, increasing the accuracy, reducing refund transfer.

On the other hand, with the ability of integrating address code APIs into public service gates, Vpostcode support people to look for address information from the existing address list of Vietnam Post, entering address code will give out information about administrative area (provinces, districts or communes) which is provided through APIs of Vpostcode platform and digital map.

Currently, Vietnam Post is still continuing to update and enrich address databases along with services relating to address databases and digital maps, applying Vpostcode code extensively in life. Especially, Vietnam Post is also coordinating closely with partners in technologies to complete solutions in data processing and digital map platforms in order to promote efficiency of state, enterprise and community power.



ThehistoricfloodinCentralprovincesofVietnaminOctoberhadcomplicateddevelopment.However,during stormsandfloods,manyareasdonothavespecificaddresses,leadingtomanydifficultiesinrescuingandrelievingworksofsearchingatthelocationwherepeoplewereliving.

Tohelpfunctionalforcestodeterminetheexactlocations in the Central Vietnam region, floodplain residents can use Vpostcode code to share locations where they are needed for relief through channels such as SMS, Facebook, Zalo or Viber.


Specifically,afterreceivingtheVpostcodeaddresscode,thereliefforcewillopenSMSorFacebook,Zalo,Viber...and select the link that people share.At that time, the deviceautomaticallyopenstheVpostcodeaddresscodeplatformwiththesearchedaddress,andselectsthedirectionsbuttontoquicklylocateandfindtheplace.


PeopleneedinghelpcansavetheirVpostcodeaddresscodeinformationinadvancethroughhttps://vpostcode.vn/ordownloadVpostcodeapplicationontheCHPlayappstore,AppStoreandshareitwhenneedingreliefordirectlyshare through functions on the website, Mobile App./.

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Đừng bỏ lỡ
Vpostcode - The first brick to build the Vietnamese digital platform